Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits provide monthly payments to low-income individuals that are disabled and cannot earn an income.
Income and Resources for SSA Benefits
Your income and resources play a paramount role in determining your eligibility. The SSA includes the following as “income”:
- Royalties
- Earnings from business or work
- Honoraria
- Veteran’s disability benefits
- Workers’ compensation
- Private pensions
- Social security benefits
- Unemployment benefits
- Dividends
- Interest income
- State disability benefits
- Food and shelter that you received for less than fair market value or for free
- Cash received from friends, family, and relatives
- Part of your parent’s or spouse’s income if you are living with them
Resources are the things you own, such as:
- Bank accounts
- Cash
- Stocks
- Personal property
- US savings bonds
Your home, vehicle, and household goods are not counted toward resources.