If you are facing charges related to a sexual crime, it is crucial to seek the guidance of an experienced sexual crime lawyer in Tampa who can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights. That’s where we come in, working to ensure you receive a fair trial in court and negotiating plea deals with prosecutors.
Penalty for Florida Sexual Crime Charges
Anyone charged with a crime in Florida is “presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.” Considering this, where sexual crimes are concerned, you may feel like you have the burden of proof for your innocence. The fact that Florida has one of the harshest punishments in the country doesn’t help matters. For these reasons, you should have seasoned criminal defense lawyers from Carlson Meissner & Hayslett, who will use every defense strategy in the law book to protect your rights. The penalty will depend on the nature of the offense, prior criminal history, and the number of charges. Potential punishments generally include:
- Jail or prison
- Fines
- Mandatory counseling
- Community service
- Probation
- Sex offender registration
- Indefinite civil commitment
- House arrest