Advocating for Your Rights and Recovery

No two car accidents are exactly the same. Some victims may suffer broken bones and lacerations, whereas others may suffer spinal cord injuries or head trauma. The severity of the injuries and property damage may vary, but your rights remain the same after every car accident. If you were injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The New Port Richey car accident attorneys at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett are passionate about helping the injured obtain the compensation they deserve. We’ve won over $115 million in compensation for our clients to date, which shows that we have what it takes to achieve results. Let us fight to protect your rights and secure compensation for your injuries. Call 727-223-1224 to schedule a no-cost consultation with our team today.

Attorneys at Carlson Meissner Law Firm on Personal Injury

Attorney Jennifer A. Burns

How Much Compensation Am I Entitled to For My Car Accident Injuries?

It can cost thousands of dollars to treat car accident injuries, and these injuries may prevent you from working and earning an income while you recover. For this reason, you may be wondering how much compensation you are entitled to for the harm you have suffered. Every car accident claim is unique, so the value of your claim can vary depending on the details of your case. But if you were injured by a negligent driver, you may be awarded compensation for:

Medical expenses

This includes any medical expenses you have incurred while treating your injuries in addition to expenses you expect to incur while treating your injuries in the future.

Lost income

If your injuries have affected your ability to work, you can recover compensation for lost wages. If your injuries will continue to affect your ability to work in the future, you can also recover compensation for the wages you expect to lose moving forward.

Pain and suffering

You may also be awarded compensation to cover the mental and physical pain and suffering you have endured as a result of your injuries.

Do not let an insurance company tell you how much your claim is worth. Insurers want to settle your claim for as little as possible, so they don’t want you to know how much you are actually owed.

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How Much Does A Car Accident Attorney Charge?

Some victims attempt to handle their claims on their own because they assume that they cannot afford to hire a car accident lawyer in New Port Richey. But fortunately, every car accident victim, regardless of their financial situation, can afford legal representation. How? Our personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, so we won’t charge for our legal services unless and until we are able to win compensation for you. If we win, a percentage of your compensation will be used to cover the cost of our legal services. But if we are not able to win compensation, you won’t have to pay us for our representation.

Paramedics helping an injured person.

What Does An Auto Accident Attorney Do?

The process of filing an auto accident claim and fighting for the compensation you deserve is complex. The attorneys at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett will handle every aspect of your auto accident claim, including:

  • Investigation: We will conduct a comprehensive investigation to determine how the accident occurred and why.
  • Establish liability: During the investigation, we will gather evidence from witnesses, experts, and other parties that we can use to establish liability.
  • Valuation: Our team will accurately calculate the value of your claim. We will factor in future expenses and losses by working with experts to evaluate your prognosis.
  • Compensation: We will aggressively negotiate with the insurance company to reach a favorable settlement. Most claims are settled this way, but if the insurance company isn’t willing to negotiate, we will take your case to court to continue the fight for compensation.

Don’t hesitate to contact our auto accident attorneys as soon as possible after a car accident. Let us fight for you.

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Set Up A Free Case Evaluation With Our Auto Accident Injury Law Firm in New Port Richey

If you have been injured in an auto accident, seek legal representation from the team at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett at once. Our car accident attorneys in New Port Richey have extensive legal experience—over 125 years combined—so we know what it takes to win compensation for our clients. Let us use our experience, resources, and skills to fight for the compensation you deserve for your car accident injuries. To schedule a free consultation regarding your case, call 727-223-1224 or fill out the contact form and we will get back with you.

Free Case Evaluation Contact us today to learn how we can help you navigate your legal concerns.

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