When Disaster Strikes, Our Truck Accident Attorneys Are on Your Side

A commercial truck can weigh up to 20 times more than the average passenger vehicle. Due to this massive weight difference, accidents involving commercial trucks and passenger vehicles are often catastrophic. Many victims are killed in these accidents, and those who survive often suffer life-threatening, devastating injuries. If you have been injured—or lost a loved one—in a truck accident, it’s in your best interest to speak to the attorneys at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett. For decades, our truck accident lawyers in Clearwater have helped victims take legal action to recover the compensation they deserve for their injuries. Now, let us help you. Call 727-219-2272 now to schedule a free consultation with our team.

Attorneys at Carlson Meissner Law Firm on Personal Injury

Attorney Jennifer A. Burns

What Causes Truck Accidents?

Truck accidents occur for a number of different reasons. Many accidents are caused by driver negligence, such as:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Failing to check blind spots
  • Failing to comply with traffic laws

However, not every accident is caused by the negligence of the driver. Other causes of commercial truck accidents include:

  • Defective parts
  • Improper maintenance
  • Improperly loaded cargo
  • Unsecured cargo

It’s important to figure out how the truck accident occurred so you can determine liability.

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Who Can I Sue For My Truck Accident Injuries?

Many different parties can be involved in a truck accident claim, which is one of the reasons why these claims are far more complex than other traffic accident cases. Some of the parties that could potentially be held liable include:

  • Truck driver
  • Trucking company that employs the truck driver
  • Cargo shipper/loader
  • Parts manufacturer
  • Other motorists involved in the accident

The party that is held liable will depend on how and why the accident occurred. For example, a parts manufacturer will only be held liable if the accident was caused by a defective part on the truck. More than one party can be held liable for your injuries, which complicates matters even further. Don’t try to establish liability on your own—reach out to our truck accident attorneys in Clearwater for help.

Semi-truck on the highway.

What If I’m At Fault For the Truck Accident?

It’s possible that you could be found partly to blame for the truck accident. Don’t let this discourage you. Florida is a pure comparative negligence state, which means you are still entitled to compensation for your injuries even though you were partially responsible for the accident. But the amount of compensation you are awarded will be reduced since you were partly to blame.

For example, the court may find that you were 30% responsible and the trucking company was 70% responsible. If you were initially entitled to $100,000 for your injuries, the court would only award you $70,000. Your compensation would be reduced by 30% to account for your percentage of fault.

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When is it too late to sue for compensation from a commercial truck accident?

Should I call the police after my truck accident?

Should I see a doctor after my trucking accident?

How much does a trucking accident lawyer cost?

Do different laws apply to commercial truck accidents?

What is the definition of a commercial truck?

How will my accident affect my insurance rates?

When is it too late to sue for compensation from a commercial truck accident?

The Florida statute of limitations for a personal injury lawsuit is four years after the date of the injury.

Should I call the police after my truck accident?

It is highly recommended to call the police and at least file a report. If there is any damage or injury, the law in Florida requires police to be notified.

Should I see a doctor after my trucking accident?

When hurt in a Florida truck accident, it is advised to see a doctor for evaluation and prompt treatment immediately. Go to your doctor, an emergency room, or a specialist for any injuries other than minor aches, as this creates a record of the damages.

How much does a trucking accident lawyer cost?

Florida truck accident lawyers generally work on a contingency fee. This percentage depends on what you and the attorney have agreed upon, though it is usually around one-third of your total damages.

Do different laws apply to commercial truck accidents?

Yes. Most commercial truck drivers must follow federal laws governed by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

What is the definition of a commercial truck?

A commercial truck is a freight (cargo) traffic vehicle transporting commercial goods. The definition includes eighteen-wheeler tractor-trailers, tanker trucks, delivery trucks, and big rigs.

How will my accident affect my insurance rates?

Under Florida law, insurance companies cannot raise your insurance rates following a truck accident if the other party is at fault or you make claims because the other motorist was under or uninsured.

What Does A Truck Accident Injury Attorney Do?

Making a full recovery from your injuries should be your main priority after a truck accident. While you focus on your health, the truck accident attorneys at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett will handle your personal injury claim. Our lawyers will:

Conduct a full investigation into the accident

We will interview witnesses, obtain records from the trucking company, review surveillance footage, work with expert witnesses, and analyze evidence from the scene to gather the information we need to prove liability.

Calculate the value of your claim

We will use our experience to determine the value of your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We will also work with medical experts to assess your condition and determine the value of your future losses and expenses.

Fight for the compensation you deserve

Our team will aggressively negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company to reach a settlement that fully compensates you for your injuries. If a settlement cannot be reached, we will take your case to court and continue fighting for the compensation you deserve.

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Schedule A Free Initial Consultation With Our Truck Accident Injury Law Firm in Clearwater

Have you been involved in an accident with a commercial truck in Clearwater? If so, it’s important to seek legal representation from the trucking accident lawyers at Carlson Meissner & Hayslett as soon as possible.

Since 1971, our team has helped injured victims in the greater Tampa Bay area recover over $115 million in compensation. Our track record of success shows that we know what it takes to maximize compensation for our clients. Let us put our skills, resources, and experience to work for you. To schedule a free consultation regarding your case, call 727-219-2272 or fill out the form on this website.

Free Case Evaluation Contact us today to learn how we can help you navigate your legal concerns.

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